Penn State Offers Sheep Management Course

Penn State Extension is offering a Sheep Management and Production online course that will include live webinars focused on breeds, nutrition, health, grazing and marketing of sheep.

The course opens on Aug. 26 with live webinars on Sept. 16 and 30, as well as Oct. 14 and 28 at 7 p.m. eastern time.

This online, instructor-led course teaches the basics of sheep production through a combination of readings, educational videos, worksheets and webinars. Participants will be provided with worksheets that will help analyze their own operations to improve performance and profitability. Learners will complete a worksheet for each section of the course and upload them for review prior to the webinars. Instructors will review the worksheets and return comments and suggestions. During the webinars, educators and learners will discuss worksheets and participate in roundtable discussions. The webinars will be recorded to view after the event.

The course begins with looking at production facilities and how to design a handling system that meets your needs. Videos will teach learners how to select the breed of sheep best suited for their goals and operation, how to meet the nutritional needs of their sheep, and how to manage pasture and forage. This course covers breeding and managing sheep through the reproductive cycle, as well as how to identify and correct sheep health problems.

Participants will also learn effective ways to market sheep and lamb products, and how to handle the financial planning for sheep production. Videos will teach about pricing practices, identifying a market and direct marketing.

Knowledge check questions throughout the course will help participants review what they learn, and each section also provides the opportunity to reflect on how to incorporate what they’ve learned into their sheep operations. There is a five-question quiz at the end of each section. Participants need to score 80 percent or better on each quiz to successfully earn a certificate.

For more information:

Source: Penn State Extension

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